I don't understand how a baby that is only 6 months old can make me laugh as much as my Benjamin does. I mean, come on, he's only 6 months old! Despite his youth, my little love bug makes me laugh multiple times a day! So, for a lighthearted post, I decided to number out the 10 things my Benny does on a semi-daily basis that make me laugh out loud.
10. Face Contortions
Ohhhh the many faces of Benny James! This little man can contort his face into a million different expressions in a matter of minutes. It is so funny how many ways he can twist and turn his adorable little features around.
9. Gesticulations
As he talks to himself, Ben turns into a master gesticulator. His little hands go about in such a way that he could honestly be conducting the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. He goos and gaas and his little hands move all about. That is, of course, until he notices said hands. This is when the serious contemplation of figuring them out begins! *See #8
8. Serious Thinking
When there is something new to him, there is this unbelievably intense look on his face. He will usually stick his tongue and stare intently at this object of unimaginable wonder sometimes until he literally goes cross eyed. ( Side Note - I was actually worried about this so much that I told the pediatric opthamologist about it today during Benny's check up. He most likely thinks I am insane ). The object of wonder can be anything new he hasn't seen, or it is also very often his hands. He finds those about 45 times per day.
7. Robust Conversations with Inanimate Objects
There was one time when Ben was around 4 months old that I watched him have a full on conversation with a stuffed lion. From what I could tell, that lion had pissed him off something fierce! To this day, he doesn't like lions...
6. Finding his hands or his feet...again.
*See numbers 7 & 8
5. 2 Thumbing It
Yes, he loves sucking his thumb! This is nothing out of the ordinary. However, what makes this act so comical is when he begins 2 thumbing it. 2 thumbing it, or double fisting if you will, is exactly as it sounds. He likes to suck both thumbs at the same time. This...is hilarious! If you really wanna laugh, then you should see when he tried to suck both thumbs WHILE nursing! That's the best! The icing on the cake there though is when he looks at me like I did something horrible to him when the two tubby little thumbs he is prying into his mouth unlatch him from the goods. Classic Benny...
4. Diabolical Baby
This was a phrase coined by Uncle Jeremy. Diabolical baby pose is when Ben likes to lift his hands up and hold them together as if he is a master villian that has just devised a plan on how to take over the world! This happens often... Personally, I think he just might be figuring out his plans of world domination. Only time will tell...
3. Perfectly Timed Bodily Functions
I could probably write an entire blog post about this one. Since his VERY first diaper that mom and dad changed, Ben has had an uncanny ability to begin peeing or pooping JUST as the diaper comes off. He happens to think this is hilarious! I cannot tell you how many times I have literally been pee'd on. I can, however, tell you that I have been pooped on more times than I would like to share. This kid can go through 5 diapers in ONE changing because of this epically timed poo. I mean, come on! There is NO way you can tell me that there have been that many coincidences of diaper coming off at the same time of poo coming out!! I truly believe he does it on purpose for laughs, or that it is all part of his master plan (see #4).
2. Flatulence
It's bad. I mean, it's REALLY, REALLY bad. This kid can clear a city block. Also, let's talk timing. The ONLY thing more impeccable than his poop timing is his fart timing. It ALWAYS seems to happen just as I am putting some diaper cream on his butt, which inevitable leads to me literally getting farted ON. Yes, I do wash my hand a lot just in case you are curious.
1. His infectious Giggle
All of the above items are truly comical, but the one thing about this adorable little man is his giggle! Just a few days ago my husband and I took him to the indoor track at the community center. This was a first for him. It was also the first time we used the baby beorn in a way where he got to look at what was going on. He was giggling so hysterically as we walked around the track that every single person we walked by got the biggest smile on their face. I couldn't stop giggling the whole darn time either!! It was...infectious! And it happens all the time, in all sorts of places!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
My 6 Month Old Comedian
If you enjoy overly romantic ramblings and pathological optimism, then look no further! Follow my journey through life with a resilient husband, two annoyingly cute dogs, and a beautiful baby boy named Benjamin who was born with Down syndrome.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Beautiful Mess
I cherish days like today…
My little man will be six months old this Wednesday. SIX MONTHS! I know it's such a cliche to say, but I honestly don't know where the time went. It seems like yesterday I was pregnant, and today we had his six month specialist appointment. I am so blessed!
I was extremely nervous about Ben's appointment today. You see, I have been waiting for today's evaluation for the doctor to give me the go ahead to start Ben on solids. This might not seem like that big of a deal to most of you, but Benny has Down Syndrome. The transition to solids, so I have read, can be quite an ordeal for most DS parents. They have trouble with the textures, they can choke really easily due to their low muscle tone, they push the food out of their mouth with their tongues and refuse to swallow, and the list goes on and on. I have read this information time and time again, as well as hearing about it from my fellow parents in the DS community. There are some parents who weren't able to give their kids solids til almost two years of age! It's all just so new and so nerve-racking to me!
I have been warned before about some things that I will struggle with due to Benny having that extra little chromosome. Breastfeeding, for example, was supposed to be a challenge. IT WAS! It took me til Benny was eight weeks old to get him to breastfeed. I can honestly say, I am surprised I didn't quit. I used to get very curious as to why anyone wouldn't breastfeed their children, and now I know why. It is flipping difficult! I went through sore nipples, clog ducts, and a dang yeast infection on my boobs! SERIOUSLY! I tried nipples shields, 74 different ways to hold him, you name it. I was pumping every 2 hours around the flipping clock. It. was. brutal. I should have bought stock in APNO (All Purpose Nipple Ointment). Then one magical day when Ben was 8 weeks old, he just did it. I didn't do anything different, he just did it. I cried like a baby. I was so happy!! SOOOO relieved! I felt powerful and so proud of myself that I pushed through and kept trying. YAY TRIUMPH! You see, breastfeeding is great for all babies but it is REALLY great for DS babies. Nursing is much more difficult than bottle-feeding for the baby, so it strengthens the muscles in their throats, mouths, and tongue. This helps DS babies down the road with annunciation in their speech, AND helps them when they begin the transition to solids. This information is what kept me going those first two months of hell attempting to get him to nurse. I knew it was important for him way above and beyond how important breastmilk is for all babies, and I would be damned if I was gonna punk out and not give him that extra advantage.
So… Solids. Knowing my struggle with breastfeeding, you can hopefully understand why I was so nervous about this new adventure. I was trying to build myself up to be tough, be patient, be ready for him not to succeed at first. During his evaluation Ben tested very high cognitively, high on fine motor skills, and moderate on gross motor skills. Needless to say, he is a ROCKSTAR! So, after his evaluation, and after finding out that my little piggie eats every one and a half to two hours, his specialist said we definitely need to try to give this kid some food.
On the way home from the docs, I stopped and got him some spoons and some rice cereal. I went home, and nursed him for about five minutes. This way, according to the doc, he wouldn't be starving when we tried the food and therefore be a BIT more patient. My son is NEVER patient about eating! My husband and I made the rice cereal with some breastmilk according to the directions, and I anxiously sat down to attempt feeding my little man. I took a deep breath, dipped the spoon in the cereal, and put it to his mouth. Then, HE ATE IT UP! He LOVED it!! He chewed and sucked on the spoon a little at first, but he got the point after about two minutes. It was like he had been eating solids his whole life. I was SO proud! I can't explain to you how happy I felt. I was, and still am, on cloud nine! He finished the ENTIRE bowl and probably would have kept going if I would have had more ready.
This story probably seems crazy to a lot of you. I mean, feeding your child baby food for the first time usually isn't a life changing event. However, here's the thing. My baby is wonderfully different. Each milestone with him is an amazing accomplishment. Each milestone he hits takes some more time, more effect, or just more creativity. So, to have him knock this out of the park on the first try makes me so filled with joy I could burst. To see him sitting there doing so well at something that EVERYONE said he would struggle with, gives me an intense feeling of pride, love, and hope. I sat there as we reached the end of that bowl of cereal and looked at the mess I had to clean up. There was cereal on me, him, his clothes, my clothes, and god knows where else. My eyes were filled with tears of joy. It was THE most BEAUTIFUL MESS I had ever seen.
My little man will be six months old this Wednesday. SIX MONTHS! I know it's such a cliche to say, but I honestly don't know where the time went. It seems like yesterday I was pregnant, and today we had his six month specialist appointment. I am so blessed!
I was extremely nervous about Ben's appointment today. You see, I have been waiting for today's evaluation for the doctor to give me the go ahead to start Ben on solids. This might not seem like that big of a deal to most of you, but Benny has Down Syndrome. The transition to solids, so I have read, can be quite an ordeal for most DS parents. They have trouble with the textures, they can choke really easily due to their low muscle tone, they push the food out of their mouth with their tongues and refuse to swallow, and the list goes on and on. I have read this information time and time again, as well as hearing about it from my fellow parents in the DS community. There are some parents who weren't able to give their kids solids til almost two years of age! It's all just so new and so nerve-racking to me!
I have been warned before about some things that I will struggle with due to Benny having that extra little chromosome. Breastfeeding, for example, was supposed to be a challenge. IT WAS! It took me til Benny was eight weeks old to get him to breastfeed. I can honestly say, I am surprised I didn't quit. I used to get very curious as to why anyone wouldn't breastfeed their children, and now I know why. It is flipping difficult! I went through sore nipples, clog ducts, and a dang yeast infection on my boobs! SERIOUSLY! I tried nipples shields, 74 different ways to hold him, you name it. I was pumping every 2 hours around the flipping clock. It. was. brutal. I should have bought stock in APNO (All Purpose Nipple Ointment). Then one magical day when Ben was 8 weeks old, he just did it. I didn't do anything different, he just did it. I cried like a baby. I was so happy!! SOOOO relieved! I felt powerful and so proud of myself that I pushed through and kept trying. YAY TRIUMPH! You see, breastfeeding is great for all babies but it is REALLY great for DS babies. Nursing is much more difficult than bottle-feeding for the baby, so it strengthens the muscles in their throats, mouths, and tongue. This helps DS babies down the road with annunciation in their speech, AND helps them when they begin the transition to solids. This information is what kept me going those first two months of hell attempting to get him to nurse. I knew it was important for him way above and beyond how important breastmilk is for all babies, and I would be damned if I was gonna punk out and not give him that extra advantage.
So… Solids. Knowing my struggle with breastfeeding, you can hopefully understand why I was so nervous about this new adventure. I was trying to build myself up to be tough, be patient, be ready for him not to succeed at first. During his evaluation Ben tested very high cognitively, high on fine motor skills, and moderate on gross motor skills. Needless to say, he is a ROCKSTAR! So, after his evaluation, and after finding out that my little piggie eats every one and a half to two hours, his specialist said we definitely need to try to give this kid some food.
On the way home from the docs, I stopped and got him some spoons and some rice cereal. I went home, and nursed him for about five minutes. This way, according to the doc, he wouldn't be starving when we tried the food and therefore be a BIT more patient. My son is NEVER patient about eating! My husband and I made the rice cereal with some breastmilk according to the directions, and I anxiously sat down to attempt feeding my little man. I took a deep breath, dipped the spoon in the cereal, and put it to his mouth. Then, HE ATE IT UP! He LOVED it!! He chewed and sucked on the spoon a little at first, but he got the point after about two minutes. It was like he had been eating solids his whole life. I was SO proud! I can't explain to you how happy I felt. I was, and still am, on cloud nine! He finished the ENTIRE bowl and probably would have kept going if I would have had more ready.
This story probably seems crazy to a lot of you. I mean, feeding your child baby food for the first time usually isn't a life changing event. However, here's the thing. My baby is wonderfully different. Each milestone with him is an amazing accomplishment. Each milestone he hits takes some more time, more effect, or just more creativity. So, to have him knock this out of the park on the first try makes me so filled with joy I could burst. To see him sitting there doing so well at something that EVERYONE said he would struggle with, gives me an intense feeling of pride, love, and hope. I sat there as we reached the end of that bowl of cereal and looked at the mess I had to clean up. There was cereal on me, him, his clothes, my clothes, and god knows where else. My eyes were filled with tears of joy. It was THE most BEAUTIFUL MESS I had ever seen.
If you enjoy overly romantic ramblings and pathological optimism, then look no further! Follow my journey through life with a resilient husband, two annoyingly cute dogs, and a beautiful baby boy named Benjamin who was born with Down syndrome.
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