Saturday, January 7, 2017

Spread LOVE

I'm sure by now you've heard about the horrific event in Chicago that took place earlier this week. Four people persuaded a young man with special needs to come with them so that they could abuse and torture him live on Facebook.  That's all I wish to say about the exact nature of the event.  I was so sickened upon hearing about it, I found myself unable to eat.

The thing that exacerbated the putrid feeling that story instilled in my gut was the responses I was seeing on the news and social media.  

I have a few thoughts I want to share regarding this event.

This event is NOT:

  • An opportunity to further the divide of white and black in our country.
  • An opportunity to fight about what does/doesn't constitute a hate crime.
  • Something to use to further your own political agenda or opinions.
This event is:

  • An opportunity to spread love, hope, and support for this man and his family
  • An opportunity to hold hands with those different than you and show a unified front against this evil situation
  • Something to use as a message that we all are on the same side when it comes to the plain and simple fact that THIS TYPE OF HORROR WILL NEVER BE TOLERATED
To the family of this man, I want you to know that I stand with you.  I am praying with you.  I am sending healing vibes to you as a Mama to a beautiful boy whom also has special needs.  I stand with you understanding that this was the worst nightmare you had when finding out your son would be different, and that this nightmare has become reality.  

To this family, to the world, I send love and light.  I send hope that one day we will stand together, unified, against all evil in this world.  

We will never win the battle against evil unless we choose to fight it, together, with love.


- Jamie

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Would love to hear your thought, comments, advice, or emotional outbursts!

-xoxo Jamie